Tips to Combat Chronic Snoring

Loudly snoring man sleeping next to an annoyed woman covering her ears wih a pillow.Nearly everyone will snore at one point or another in their life. Whether you have a bad cold or had one too many glasses of wine before bed, snoring can occur when there are any obstructions in the nasal passages or near the airway. Chronic snoring, however, means you snore more nights than not. In fact, some chronic snorers rarely go through a night without creating a rhythmic noise to announce their slumber. Here are some ways you can try to reduce snoring on your own:

  • Nose breathing strips to open nasal passages
  • Sleep on your side, not your back
  • Do not drink excess alcohol, especially before bedtime
  • Reduce use of sleep aids
  • Lose weight if you are overweight
  • Quit smoking
  • Use nasal decongestants before sleep, if needed
  • Elevate your head

These tricks can help you reduce snoring if you do not have a medical condition. However, when conservative treatments or lifestyle changes do not work, it is best to seek the advice of a medical professional.

Medical Treatments for Chronic Snoring

While occasional snoring is to be expected, chronic snoring can be an indicator of some other problem. Respiratory problems like sinusitis, allergies or asthma can contribute to congestion and snoring. Chronic snoring is also a key symptom of obstructive sleep apnea, which should be treated to reduce risks for serious health problems. It is best to have the cause of chronic snoring diagnosed by your physician to eliminate possible sleep apnea or other conditions. If you are diagnosed with sleep apnea, treatments can be used to improve your breathing, sleep quality and snoring. Treatments that may be recommended include:

  • Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy. One of the most common methods of treating sleep apnea is CPAP therapy. This includes wearing an air mask that is attached to a machine to provide air pressure that can keep airways open during sleep.
  • Oral appliance therapy. Not everyone can tolerate CPAP therapy – it can be intrusive, especially when sharing a bed with a partner. Oral appliance therapy can open the airway without a mask or machine. This can also be used for chronic snoring without sleep apnea.
  • Surgery. In severe cases of obstructive sleep apnea, surgery may be recommended to widen the airway passage by removing excess soft tissue.

At Montevallo Family Dentistry, we proudly offer treatment for both obstructive sleep apnea and chronic snoring using oral appliance therapy. If you want to sleep better and snore less, contact us to learn more about our chronic snoring treatments.

Posted on Behalf of Montevallo Family Dentistry