
Giving Mom The Peace She Deserves For Mother’s Day

Your mom juggles a lot! She keeps track of your schedules, helps with homework, works her job and usually does all this while multi-tasking. Is your home peaceful and quiet, or do you provide a certain level of noise and commotion to your home for your mom? If you're looking for the perfect gift for your mom, here's a suggestion for you. Your mom wants some peace and quiet.

The To-Dos Before The I-Dos

Are you getting married this spring or summer? If your answer is, “yes”, we’d like to wish you warm congratulations. Weddings and marriage are beautiful and unique. If you have an upcoming wedding, we're sure you have a massive to-do list as you prepare for the big day. Have you heard of apps that can help you keep track of all your tasks and keep you on track?

Straightening Your Smile

Summer's coming! Are you ready for it? Winter is bidding its final goodbyes and spring is budding all around us. According to, our historical monthly average temperature is 69 degrees for the month of March.

World Cancer Day – February 4, 2019

World Cancer Day is February 4, 2019. You can visit World Cancer Day’s website to read more about why they set aside one day a year to highlight cancer.

January 22 – 27, 2019 is National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism is hosting a National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week during the week of January 22-27, 2019. This is a national health observance that attempts to link teens to science-based facts to shatter the myths about drugs.

The Top Gifts You Can Give Your Kids For Christmas in 2018

Christmas is coming! Do you have your shopping lists and naughty or nice lists all in order? It’s amazing seeing the extent that parents will go to get their kiddos the best Christmas gifts. Are you curious what the top gifts are for Christmas 2018?

Grateful For Dental Options

November is a great time to recall all that we’re grateful for. To honor this special time of Thanksgiving many Americans sit down to a grand feast filled with endless options to eat.

Halloween’s Scary Association With Cracked Teeth

There is so much scariness that surrounds Halloween. The witches, goblins, and fake graveyards and cobwebs that decorate our neighborhoods make for a haunted scary feeling for the entire month of October. Halloween’s motto seems to be: “The scarier, the better!” Even our pumpkins are carved to look scary with their crooked and missing teeth.

Celebrating Your Smile

At Montevallo Family Dentistry, we love celebrating smiles. When we help deliver you with a healthy, beautiful and bright smile we get all excited and want to do a smile happy dance every time. We understand the value and benefits that a brilliant smile has on each of our patients, so we celebrate your smiles every single day at our office.

It Can’t Be Time For School Already!

Can you believe it’s that time of year again? It is already time for school to begin! For most kids in Montevallo, Alabama the first day of school is on August 7. This time of year is so busy with the meet the teachers, school supply lists and navigating carpools and bus schedules. It’s a crazy time and still so hot outside!