
How Are Your Gums Doing?

“How are your gums doing today?” may not be a question that you ask a neighbor on the street, but it should be a question that you ask yourself and your family members on a regular basis.

How to Keep Your Mouth Healthy While Battling Allergies

Allergy season is in full swing. It is hard not to lament the yellow powder that covers everything this time of the year, and if you suffer from severe allergies – we feel for you! Allergy season is miserable in many ways, but while you are suffering through it, you mustn't neglect your oral health.

What To Do With A Broken Tooth

Your smile is one of your most personal attributes. If something happens to damage it, you may be devastated. Your permanent teeth are meant to last a lifetime, but that is not the case for everyone. Teeth can become severely damaged in many ways, and if you experience damage to a tooth, it is imperative that you seek treatment right away to increase your chances of saving your tooth.

Don't Put Off That Root Canal

There are two things many people avoid like the plague: going to the doctor and going to the dentist. At Montevallo Family Dentistry, we get it. We really do. Even though caring for smiles is what we are committed to, we understand that not everyone shares our passion. However, we do want to encourage you to take care of your smile at all costs

Make a Great Goal to Drink More Water

With a new year, many people are committed to setting new goals and aspirations. Why not set a goal that will promote the health of your entire body – literally from your head to your feet? Drinking water has huge benefits for the whole body, including the smile.

Teeth Grinding Can Wear You Down

If there’s ever been a year where people can say, “I understand what you’re doing through,” and mean it – it is 2020. This year has had a negative impact on just about everyone. Whether it has been financial, professional, or relational, there are not many who have escaped this year unscathed.

Don't Let Your Dental Coverage Go To Waste

It is almost hard to believe, but 2020 is winding down. For most of us, we are all thankful that this crazy year will soon be behind us! Yet, as the year comes to a close, you must keep in mind that many things wrap up at year’s end.

Early Dental Visits are Vital for Your Child

Having a child brings much joy to parents, and it also brings an extreme level of new responsibility. Children require an infinite amount of love, a generous amount of patience, and untold hours of care. Many new parents forget to take into account that children need dental care and that it is best to begin at a very young age.

How to Protect Yourself from “Mask Mouth”

With mask requirements and “strong suggestions” for wearing them almost everywhere in public right now, many people are finding that they are suffering from unwanted side effects. Wearing a mask covers the lower part of the face, and it is putting oral health at risk. While we at Montevallo Family Dentistry want you to remain healthy, we also want to help you maintain a smile healthy during these unprecedented times.

Dental Bonding 101

If you have a damaged tooth, you understand the urgency and importance of having it fixed. While there are many solutions to choose from to restore your tooth, dental bonding is an excellent option for most people because it is a simple, inexpensive cosmetic dental procedure that is quick and painless.